UCU 4 AF congratulates the following candidates who were successfully elected to UCU's National Executive Committee, all of whom pledged their support for academic freedom!
Northern Ireland HE - Linda Moore (Ulster University)
Northern Ireland FE - Monica Goligher (Belfast Metropolitan College)
Northeast HE - Joan Harvey (Newcastle University)
Northeast FE - Rachel Minshull (Leeds City College)
London and the East HE - Holly Smith (University College London)
UK-elected members HE - Adam Ozanne (University of Manchester); Ann Gow (University of Glasgow)
Representatives of women members HE - Joanna de Groot (University of York)
Unfortunately, several other pro-academic freedom candidates were unsuccessful, while several avowed opponents of academic freedom were also elected. Nonetheless, this is a good start to our campaign to take UCU back to where it should be: defending the academic freedom of all of its members.
The next step is to take a motion to NEC for the next UCU Congress, which will re-commit UCU to this principle. More on this soon!